7 Amazingly Simple Ways to Evoke Change in Your Life

Our daily lives are chucked full of “To Dos”. A typical day can go something like this: Wake up, get the kids off to school, dress for work, don’t forget the expense report you’ve been working on, jump in the care to beat traffic, realize you left that expense report on the coffee table, go back for it, get stuck in traffic, late for work, get chewed out by your manager, work on a few accounts, lunch, more accounts, more yelling from the manager, leave work, pick up the kids, make it home, find the energy to cook dinner, skip it – order out, put the kids to bed, spend 20 minutes of “quality time” with your significant other (if you’re lucky) take a relaxing bath (again, the luck thing), go to bed, wake up, do it ALLL over again.
Sound familiar? I’ll bet it does. The unfortunate thing is we are so used to doing it that we don’t know or haven’t thought about how to UNDO it. Below I share with you seven REALLY simple ways to evoke change in your life and truly begin to LIVE it! Enjoy!

1.    Realize there’s a need for change – then ACT on it! – We tell ourselves everyday that there must be a better way to do things. We hold in depth conversations with family and friends (and ourselves) about doing more with our lives, living on purpose and getting unstuck. The problem is not that we don’t know we can achieve more. The problem is we don’t ACT on our feelings and insights. We just sort of hope things will begin to change on their own…well they WON’T! Once you make the realization that you want to truly start living your life then you have to put a plan into motion. You have to starting DOING!

2.    Begin living in the NOW! – Stop worrying about what happened in the past, it’s behind you. Reflect upon it if you must but stop LIVING there. Stop worrying about the future; it hasn’t been written yet. Sure you can make plans for the future but maintain flexibility with them. The only constant in the universe is change. If you’re plans for the future aren’t fluid they are doomed from the start. Beyond all that, the most precious place you can live in is the Now. It is the Now where you plan. It is in the Now that you achieve. There is no other time than Now!

3.    Release your need to control EVERYTHING! – There is no way you can control every aspect of your life. No matter how much we plan things out there’s always a chance that something can alter those preparations. What you must learn to do is adapt to change. Release your need to control things and watch how your day is transformed! You will have more energy for other things – worthwhile things – and your relationships with others will take a turn for the better.

4.    Focus your energy and GO FOR IT! – Center your attention on your goals and invest all your energy into their development, maintenance and completion. Keep reminders all around your home, job, wherever you can find space to keep you focused. This doesn’t mean you neglect one area of your life to improve another. You must find a balance between all your goals, your personal/professional life, etc.

5.    Demand and track improvements! – Once you get things going you’ll want to be sure you continue making progress. To do this you can keep a journal of everything you’re doing daily, weekly, monthly or whatever works for you. Be mindful of things that don’t appear to be working in your life and make the required changes to get back on track. If you don’t see any improvement then you may need to scrap your current plan and draft a new one. Remember: DEMAND excellence and settle for nothing less!

6.    Get EVERYONE involved! – Discuss what you’re doing with family and friends and invite them to embark on their own quest for improvement!

7.    Rest, rejuvenate and do it all over again tomorrow! – Like anything the more you do something the better you get at it. The more you practice the steps above the better you will be able to affect change in your life. Make sure you take time to rejuvenate yourself by meditating or some other means to rest your mind and body. Then, get up in the morning refreshed and ready to do it all over again!
Meditate on This: "I vow to take back my life one day at a time."

Have a PERFECT day!


Image Copyright for "The Dance of Life, the Dance of Death": JD Challenger as located on First People.us

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