Friday Features: Beautiful Faces

Each week we showcase a business or individual that cares just as much as about creating better communities as they do about creating wealth for themselves. If you or someone you know would like to be featured send an email to with Friday Features Request in the Subject Line. In the body of the email provide the following:

Name | Business Name | Location | Contact # |Primary Business Email Address | Your Background/Why You Started Your Business | Product/Service Offering | How are you/will you be of service to the community | Limit to 300 Words

Your business MUST possess a community outreach component or plans for such a component. Anything that serves as a means of uplifting the community is acceptable.

This Week's Feature: Victoria Wells of Beautiful Faces

Victoria knew early on that she was destined to uncover the beauty of those around her. It began as early as age seven as she learned to manipulate shapes and colors during a YMCA 4H competition. Victoria took to the example of dedication as presented by her parents, still "joined at the hip" after 31 years of marriage as she attended Iowa State University's design program. She later returned to Chicago to make her place in the concrete jungle.

The idea for Beautiful Faces emerged long before Victoria made it manifest. While working behind the Clinique counter in what would eventually become Macy's she provided hundreds of clients with beauty and skin care tips on a daily basis. It was there that Victoria continued to hone her interpersonal and consultation skills that her clients rave about today. She further developed her talents through painstaking study of other artists around her and fine tuned her skills while working on the faces of her clients at Clinique. All the while, Victoria staying focused on a single resolute goal: tap into a client's inner beauty and showcase it to the world!

Beautiful Faces provides professional beauty services to clients on location specializing in application and consultation for weddings, photo shoots, fashion shows as well as film/video projects. Recently, she has expanded her service offering to include additional makeup artists, hair stylists, lash experts as well as a masseuse and fitness/nutritional professionals. Victoria also offers employment opportunities through her Mary Kay business promoting independence to women everywhere.

Beautiful Faces isn't just about making other's look their best. The company also encourages girls and young women to take pride in themselves and their appearance. Victoria is currently seeking to work with Chicago Public Schools to hold Ladies & Gents workshops. The workshops are part of Victoria's vision of operating a not-for-profit dedicated to instructing young men and women how to present themselves in a professional manner in social and professional settings.

If you'd like to employ a Beautiful Faces professional visit or email Victoria at You can also find her on Facebook here:

Couples Workout Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Couples that workout together stay together.... Cheesy, I know. However, one thing I love about working out with my man is that I get to show him what a bad ass chick I can be. Showing physical strength as well as mental strength can be an exciting and important piece of a relationship.

Also, when working out together you show your man that you care about yourself enough to keep in shape – and this doesn't have to be about vanity, just a sincere desire to look your best. I know we (women) all care about our looks, but working out is so much more powerful than that. Even beyond health benefits, working out can give you both a break from the mental race you run daily you didn't even know you needed.

This deeper perspective can translate beyond just you and hopefully have a positive overflow into other areas and relationships in your life. So, workout to look great, to feel better, and to think well!

In Fitness & In Health,


About the Author: Chelsea is an 11 year fitness industry veteran. During this time she has served as a leader, educator, and manager at various health clubs in Chicago and Florida. Her experience in health club management transcends all departments including fitness, sales, and operations. Chelsea is also an independent consultant for Rodan and Fields. For personal training and other inquiries visit Chelsea at or her WordPress blog here.

©2009 Chelsea Kmiec

Resistance is Futile

"The mind commands the body and it obeys. The mind orders itself and meets resistance." - Saint Augustine

One of my favorite programs growing up was Star Trek: The Next Generation. The series main nemesis, a cyborg species called the Borg, travelled the universe "assimilating" other cultures, species and technology…they did not do so by asking. When opposed they would calmly offer the phrase "Resistance is Futile".

In the context of personal development and spiritual growth that phrase is very much true although in a different way. We sometimes, unintentionally in most instances, try to stunt our own personal growth. We begin to neglect the things that nurture our mind and body. We forget about what's best for us.

Fortunately for us, our spirits know what's best for us. We may get off track for a while but our spirits always guide us back to where we need to be. In fact the only thing we get for our trying to resist is the promise of the same lesson again and again until we "get it", accept it and then learn from it.

Have you ever watched a movie where the main character refuses to accept his purpose (protect a child, speak out against injustice, etc.) and is continuously caught in a loop until they FINALLY decide "OK, I'll do this"? That's what happens when we refuse to follow our life's purpose and no matter what you do the only way to break free of the cycle is to accept what life is trying to show you and move on.

So again, from this perspective, Resistance IS futile. We must stop pretending we can get away from what our lives are meant to be and embrace the greatness that'd planned for EACH of us.

What do you think about resistance? How do you overcome your need to resist your calling? Comment below to let us know.

In the meantime, Meditate on This: I let go of everything I don't want or need for my highest good. Or I let go of my need to resist positive change in my life.

The Meaning Behind My II Sense

I've had several people ask me about how I came up with the blog name My II Sense. Here's the answer:

It's probably obvious but My II Sense is a play on the phrase "my 2 cents".

I chose to use the Roman numeral II instead of "2" or "two" because it reminds me of two people connected; it's almost like they are hugging. Since the blog deals primarily with relationships I thought this to be a fitting analogy and use of the symbol.

The SENSE part of My II Sense is a reference to our desire to make sense of our daily lives. My purpose is to make that search easier and enjoyable.

The tagline "It's ALL Relative" was selected because regardless of whether I discuss personal relationships, business relationships or financial relationships it's all the same, all connected and therefore all related.

While I do my best to post the best advice, information and resources possible, at the end of the day it's still only my opinion of what's discussed. YOU must take what's given and draw your own conclusions.

And there you have it! I hope this little description helps everyone understand the meaning behind the blog just a tad bit better. If not, comment or send an email to with your question and I'll be happy to reply.

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

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