Friday Features: Writeous Media

Each week we showcase a business or individual that cares just as much as about creating better communities as they do about creating wealth for themselves. If you or someone you know would like to be featured send an email to with Friday Features Request in the Subject Line. In the body of the email provide the following:

Name | Business Name | Location | Contact # |Primary Business Email Address | Your Background/Why You Started Your Business | Product/Service Offering | How are you/will you be of service to the community | Limit to 300 Words

Your business MUST possess a community outreach component or plans for such a component. Anything that serves as a means of uplifting the community is acceptable.

This Week's Feature: Sandria Washington of
Writeous Media

Dubbed "Chicago's Media Maven," Sandria Washington holds a Bachelor's degree in Advertising from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. A Chicago native, Sandria progressed from her days of writing her first short story with crayons at age six and winning elementary school spelling bees, to amassing an impressive career as a writer, editor, publicist, model, community activist and literacy advocate.

Sandria, whose name translates to "helper/protector of mankind", devotes a great deal of time to several community organizations like the Metropolitan Board of the Chicago Urban League and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. She wears many hats – editor, journalist, poet and model to name a few – and uses each of these outlets as a means of positively changing the world around her.

Her company, Writeous Media, initially began as a channel for telling compelling stories and touching the hearts of others utilizing all forms of media. Sandria mentions, "I recently ran into a situation where many things I'd written for online publications were removed or my name was not credited to my work." For this reason Writeous Media also serves as a way of having more control over her creative and writing products. "…I'm focusing on creating my own outlets", says Sandria.

When it comes to impacting change in her community Sandria states, "I am a messenger…as a media company and media practitioner I feel obligated to be a responsible [one]…I see my writing/journalism efforts as a form of service to the community, educating others about people, places and events that are positive". You can find out more about Sandria and Writeous Media by visiting her Writeous Media blog or on MySpace. Feel free to email her here.

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

Gingerly Boost Your Energy – AND Sex Drive!

Most people know that you can use ginger to ease nausea or sooth an upset stomach but how many know of its ENERGIZING properties?!

I came across this discovery while looking for a smoothie recipe I could drink in the morning since I'm not big on eating breakfast (not to mention I'm slow on the go in morning so I need a natural pick me up). I found one called Jungle Juice which is a blend of several bananas, some orange other 100% fruit juice and ginger.

I expected the fruit and juices and thought that ginseng would be the main "stimulant" suggested to increase energy; instead ginger was listed. Of course, me being me, I had to investigate the reason why ginger was used…I found out a LOT!

Ginger root * has enjoyed much fanfare in Asian and other cultures as the go to remedy for colds, upset stomach (via the ginger ale), nausea and even menstrual cramps! Because it aids in digestion it allows the body to absorb more necessary nutrients thus increasing metabolism and giving you a boost of energy.

Far more interesting – and dare I say enjoyable [smile] – is the herbs' ability to increase circulation and blood flow. Fellow MIIS contributor Yanni mentions during her sessions that combining ginger with soda/pop or sparkling wine is a sure fire way to "get the juices flowing"! How about that?! And it's probably already in your cupboard. [smiles]

So the next time you feel sluggish or need a boost of a different kind [wink] skip the energy drinks and Viagra and grab yourself some ginger!

* NOTE: Like with anything too much ginger can have harmful side effects such as heartburn and belching. Allergic reactions like a rash may also occur. If you will be using ginger for the first time listen to your body and discontinue use if you experience any abnormal reactions.

The herbal and health information in this article is offered primarily for reference and personal enrichment. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for the advice of a licensed health-care practitioner. Since the actual use of herbs, therapies, etc. by others is beyond the author's control, NO expressed or implied guarantee as to their effects can be given, nor liability taken.

Have a PERFECT day!



Meditate on This: I Am Homeless…Not Helpless

"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I was reading the Chicago Tribune and came across this article about several homeless teens that, against the odds and life's circumstances, not only completed high school (some with honors!) but are also preparing for their 1st year in college!

I was touched on several levels. One, being a former homeless person myself, I know how difficult it is to focus on anything constructive let alone something so thought intensive as school. It's no small task finding courage to get out of bed (if you even have one), get dressed and deal with the trials and tribulations of daily work life; I'd imagine it's just as bad – or worse – for a high school student.

Second, how did the parents feel? Though the parents were portrayed as unsupportive we must remember that everyone deals with difficulty and challenging situations according to the level of emotional/spiritual intelligence they have in that moment. Am I condoning what they did? No. However, imagine what the outcome would have been if these same parents had access to parenting counseling or simply had been given positive examples of how to handle their child's "mistakes". Would things have been different?

Finally, I think about the reasons why each of them had to go through such hardships. I think about what they must have thought while tackling the challenges of being a homeless student and undoubtedly the subject of daily ridicule. How many times did they come close to giving up? I think about my own struggles during my three years of homelessness and those of my wife (she was homeless when we met).

I truly believe that those experiences sculpted us into better people. They exposed us to who our real friends were and taught us valuable lessons in compassion, humility and self worth. I'd bet my last dollar these students would admit the same.

So…to Nasia, Priscilla and Jeffery, I want to congratulate you on a job VERY well done and continued success to you as you persist in your efforts to rise above. You are all GREAT inspirations for our youth and adults alike.

Meditate on This: I will continue to press forward with the faith that my goals will be achieved in Divine time.

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

(Tribune photo by Heather Charles / July 24, 2009)
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