Friday Features: Master Force, Inc.

Each week we showcase a business or individual that cares just as much as about creating better communities as they do about creating wealth for themselves. If you or someone you know would like to be featured send an email to with Friday Features Request in the Subject Line. In the body of the email provide the following:

Name | Business Name | Location | Contact # |Primary Business Email Address | Your Background/Why You Started Your Business | Product/Service Offering | How are you/will you be of service to the community | Limit to 300 Words

Your business MUST possess a community outreach component or plans for such a component. Anything that serves as a means of uplifting the community is acceptable.

For Our First Friday Feature: Rita Stewart/Mu Shemsu-t of MASTER FORCE, INC.

Master Force, Inc. was founded by Transformational Life Coach Rita Stewart, better known as Mu Shemsu-t, as a means of impacting how society educates people, both on an individual and community level. Mu Shemsu-t is an accomplished writer and workshop facilitator producing such events as Creating Your Circle of Wealth, Zen for the Sistah's Soul and Patiently Waiting for Nothing.

She's currently working on realizing another of her projects: the Master Force International Leadership Academy. The Master Force International Leadership Academy is a comprehensive educational environment for both adults and children where you can experience learning the way it should be – holistically.

For more information on Mu Shemsu-t, the Master Force International Leadership Academy or coaching services please visit her online at, email her at or follow her on Twitter at

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

Single and Searching

Rumor has it that there are so many single good men and women that one would think that somehow in this crazy cosmic universe that they would connect, right? Hmmmm, let's look at this shall we? What constitutes a good man or a good woman in your opinion? I would also ask that if you are such a good man or a phenomenal woman then why are you still single? We hear all of the time that men are intimidated by successful women. I have to believe that ALL men cannot be intimidated by successful women.

I also hear from men that women will not allow the man to lead. Why can't we as women allow the men to be men in the dating process? I'll throw an additional thought out there. Just because you are a good man or a good woman does not mean that you are a good match. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how the single good men can connect with single good women and vice versa. Send me an email using the submission form toward the bottom of the blog site with Single and Searching in the subject with specific questions for me otherwise, simple comment below. Let the communication begin!

About the Author:Yolanda "Yanni" Brown is a Certified Relationship Educator/Love Coach and the CEO of Kiss and Make Up with Intimate Evenings. For over a decade the Chi-city born and raised Piscean (this explains her penchant for all things love related) has specialized in helping couples fall in love over and over again. Her forums, seminars and workshops all share a common theme: the cultivation of healthy relationships. You can find out more about Yanni by visiting Intimate Evenings or via email at

© 2009 Yolanda "Yanni" Brown

Mental Flexibility

This is a guest post by Certified Fitness Professional Chelsea Kmiec.

As a fitness professional I am not one for excessive stretching of the body, as I believe that our bodies know best. However I am a proponent of stretching of the mind.

In Fitness, mental flexibility allows you to stretch beyond the set of negative beliefs that you have set for yourself. Nobody else (hopefully) has ever directly told you that anytime you start an exercise program you will fail. Typically this is a set of beliefs that we have unknowingly established for ourselves.

When it comes to relationships with other people, we sometimes forget that one of the most important relationships is the one we have with ourselves. Think about this, would you ever tell your significant other that they are fat and ugly? Why then is that ok for us to tell ourselves that.

Sometimes one of the biggest hurdles we have to jump is that of loving ourselves, this love and affirmation that you have the power to bring to yourself is (in my belief system) the only way you can truly love and affirm others. Further, if you don't love and appreciate yourself, how can you treat yourself and your body well? If you don't love yourself, why would you exercise or why stay in good health?

Let's take a look at some of the negative beliefs that you have for yourself, many of them I bet you don't even know you had. Try for this week to catch yourself when you re-affirm any of those negative beliefs. Make a list of any that come up, then on a new sheet of paper, write the new and opposite positive belief.

Go out and care for yourself, stay physically and mentally healthy.

In Fitness & In Health,


About Chelsea: Chelsea is an 11 year fitness industry veteran. During this time she has served as a leader, educator, and manager at various health clubs in Chicago and Florida. Her experience in health club management transcends all departments including fitness, sales, and operations. Chelsea is also an independent consultant for Rodan and Fields. For personal training and other inquiries visit Chelsea at or her WordPress blog here. You can also connect with Chelsea on Twitter.

Meditate on This: Common Courtesy

"If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them." - Francis Bacon, Sr.

Question: How many times in a day are you courteous to others? Do you give up your seat for an elderly person on the bus or just sit there and pretend you don't see them looking for a seat? Do you respond to a homeless person that speaks to you or just treat them as though they were less than human?

Not long ago, it seems that being courteous was a common occurrence in daily life. Today, that's not so much the way things are. Whatever happened to help your fellow man? Perhaps it's due the media an exceedingly good job at striking fear into our hearts. So much so that we've become apprehensive about helping anyone lest we become a victim in spite of our own innate generosity and kindness.

Even in our own homes it seems that common courtesy has been replaced by animosity, cynicism and rudeness. When did it become second nature to belittle one another? When did we decide as a society that it was better to ridicule our family members to make ourselves look good?

We have to rethink this people! We need to get back to basics and strip ourselves of this burning need to be unkind and distrustful. We need to open our hearts and minds to the possibility that ALL people possess the innate quality of goodness. If you can't be courteous for someone else's sake then by all means, be selfish! Do it because it'll make YOU feel better while leaving the other person feeling appreciated and motivated to do the same for others. Meditate on This: I choose to be courteous to all beings, great and small, in honor of my Divine nature.

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

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