“You can learn a lot from people who view the world differently than you do.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
I had a sort of epiphany the other day that came to me from my netbook and Mac computers. I was looking at my page on Twitter using my netbook but soon grew tired of viewing that 8.9 in. screen. I switched to my Mac’s 22 in. screen and the change was ENORMOUS! I could see all sort of content I couldn’t before – well, at least not without scrolling around on the screen.
It was then that I thought about how we look at the world, more specifically, our viewpoint of the world from a “netbook perspective”. Sometimes we get caught up in how WE see things we forget that other vantage points exist. I’ve come up with three ways we can all improve our worldview; here we go!
1. Know that your view isn’t the only one – Unless you’ve lived a sheltered life secluded from all of humanity since birth you know that your view of “what is” is not the only one. Even if you did grow up in those circumstances it doesn’t negate the view of every other being on the planet.
2. Realize that another person’s view is as important as our own – Does your belief that the color blue is the most beautiful color in the world make it so? Of course not. Just because someone feels, say red, is the most beautiful color should not upset you. You are entitled to your view just as they are entitled to theirs.
3. Be more accepting of the views of others – This is easier said than done sometimes. Your belief in the almighty awesomeness of the color blue is strong and deep rooted; why would you want to accept that another view exists? Simple. It keeps you open to different possibilities of All The Ways Things Are! The more open you are to other views the more likely you are to understand that it takes ALL views to make the world go round. Who knows, you may eventually decide that red IS a more awesome color than blue – or maybe you both will decide that green is! Be open to the possibilities!
Meditate on this: I challenge myself to be more accepting of the views of others.
Have a PERFECT day!
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