10 Weight Loss Affirmations to use NOW!

I've ALWAYS struggled with my weight but around the time I transitioned from junior high to high school I made a shift in my thinking and how I RELATE to food. With that simple change in thought patterns – combined with a new found love of weight lifting, affirmations and LOTS of visual information – I was able to lose weight and keep it off for several years. Now, as I 'm getting older I've decided to again dedicate myself to getting fit on all levels. Part of that plan is to reinstate my use of affirmations to reinforce my change in eating habits and workout schedule. Below are a list of 10 that worked for me in the past. I hope they are a positive influence on your fitness goals.

  1. I choose not to overeat
  2. My body is getting healthier and stronger every day.
  3. Eating healthy is effortless for me
  4. I'm happy in the skin I'm in
  5. I enjoy a healthy relationship with food
  6. My metabolism is strong and works well for me
  7. Every day I make healthy choices about the foods I eat
  8. I enjoy the process of being and eating healthier
  9. I treat my body with the respect it deserves
  10. I do all the healthy things I can to be healthier
Remember, in order for affirmations to have a positive effect you not only need to repeat them as often as you can but also allow the phrase to emerge from your heart as you say it. If you don't feel it then it won't work for you. Below is a great website full of other useful affirmations. Enjoy!


Have a PERFECT day!



Make It Happen!

"There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen." - Wayne Dyer

This post is for those of us that know our purpose and ignore it. It's for those of us that, deep down inside, have put our true purpose on hold for the sake of meeting the status quo… It's time to do your thing!

For many years I have either denied what I've felt to be my purpose or placed false barriers up, telling myself it can't or shouldn't be done. Fortunately, the strength of your purpose is so profound that, regardless of what we do, it will eventually make its way to the surface. Why? Because it knows it needs to exist. It YEARNS to exist in a way that only our highest selves will be able to relate to.

You will know when you're ready to pursue your purpose. It's like lightning striking you at your very core. Somewhere in your innermost being simply clicks and you know that, "Yes, this is what I'm here to do!".

As Dr. Dyer mentions above, we can all earn a living doing what we love if only we possess the resolve to pursue our purpose with unbridled passion. We must claim our purpose and let no one deter us from it! This blog, the steps I'm taking to pursue my desire to help others through the profession of Coaching and everything in between are my way of affirming I and my purpose are one and I will NOT allow anyone to keep me from it. Will you be courageous enough to do the same? Of course you will! I have faith in you!

Have a PERFECT day!


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