Friday Features: Fresh Aire Networking

Each week we showcase a business or individual that cares just as much as about creating better communities as they do about creating wealth for themselves. If you or someone you know would like to be featured send an email to with Friday Features Request in the Subject Line. In the body of the email provide the following:

Name | Business Name | Location | Contact # |Primary Business Email Address | Your Background/Why You Started Your Business | Product/Service Offering | How are you/will you be of service to the community | Limit to 300 Words

Your business MUST possess a community outreach component or plans for such a component. Anything that serves as a means of uplifting the community is acceptable.

This Week's Feature: Kevan Ware/Fresh Aire Networking (Tuesday's from 7-10pm @ The Shrine)

There are a lot of networking events out there, a LOT. But Fresh Aire Networking, brainchild of the enigmatic Kevan Ware, somehow manages to standout. First of all, there's actual networking going on. People mingle OUTSIDE of their current circle to inquire of others about their businesses. This is a key factor for me determining if I want to attend the event again. If I'm only going to meet the same people every time I come out, where's the value?

Secondly, Fresh Aire offers some great ear candy (at least during the event this past Tuesday) such as Chicago's own voluptuous songstress Tarrey Torae
who mesmerized the crowd with her soulful voice and captivating beauty. I also spotted Teefa of Power 92 fame and my homie Discopoet Khari B. this past Tuesday showing their support for this fabulous event.

Finally, the venue chosen for this event, The Shrine (Located at 2109 S. Wabash Chicago, IL 60616) was great! The courteous door staff, attentive bar staff and of course the layout were all amazing. The music was a bit loud – for me – for networking purposes but the DJ was point.

Bottom line: if you are looking for a great networking event where you WILL make some quality connections to grow your business then it's a must that you attend Fresh Aire Networking. Join their Facebook Fan Page to stay up to date on this event and be sure to visit Kevan's page as well. See you Tuesday – Happy Networking people!

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

Diet and Exercise – Who Knew?

Some of you that read MIIS know that my body is prone to suffer lower back pain/spasms (I say my body because I lay no claim to illness. I'm abundantly blessed with Divine health. Sometimes this body forgets and I need to remind it…moving on…). Because I'm not one for taking pain meds I'm always on the lookout for better ways to lessen or completely alleviate the pain all together.

Well I'm reading one of my favorite blogs – Dr Matt's Nutrition News – and he's discussing how you can help the body heal itself of joint inflammation (the source of my body's back pain) with simple changes in diet and increased exercise. At first I'm like whatever but then I think about and realize that there's some truth to his claim.

When I was working for RTA the first few days were torture because I had become used to just loafing around the apartment and hadn't been exercising much. To get to the job I had to walk about 4 blocks and then walk up/down the stairs taking the train to work. If this seems like nothing imagine the feeling of someone digging into your spine with a hot poker or knife and you will understand why this was a challenge for me.

Fortunately for me I had just begun a less meet, more veggies diet. That, combined with the increase in physical activity, helped with the pain. So much so that I was able to begin RUNNING up and down those stairs everyday!

With that being mentioned, if you suffer from inflammation of the joints, degenerative joint disease or arthritis ask your doctor about ways to change your diet and exercise regimen (or assistance with creating one) to see if that doesn't help improve your overall condition BEFORE requesting the latest "wonder drug".

Have a PERFECT day!



Worth the Wait

"Let's wait awhile before it's too late

Let's wait awhile, our love will be great

Let's wait awhile before we go too far"

Chorus to Let's Wait Awhile by Janet Jackson

A few days ago, I'm sitting on my bed catching up on some reading, my youngest daughter Khadijah knocks on the door. She comes in and says she has a question for me; the brief but powerful exchange went like this:

"Daddy, can I ask you a personal question?" "Sure", I say.

"When did you lose your virginity?" My astonished response was, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

With the excitement and wonder that only a child could muster she exclaims, "Yes I will!" Tell me!"

"Twenty", I say calmly to which she replied "Uh Uhn! – MOM!"

She runs out of the room to grab my wife to use against me as a human polygraph machine. She asks the question again; I give the same answer. My wife confirms the answer because 1. We've discussed such matters and 2. I can't seem to lie to her with a straight face. LOL

Khadijah then asks, "How come you waited so long?" "Why didn't I wait longer is the real question", I replied.

There are two things troubling about this scenario:

  1. My child thought I would be dishonest with her about the loss of my virginity.
  2. Today's generation is more concerned about losing their virginity quickly than waiting for marriage – or at least for a committed relationship.

After this little exchange I called everyone into the living room for a family discussion. We talked about their feelings on sex and when they thought it was okay to "give it away" and why they felt that way. Then we, the parents, talked about why it's important to wait. Then we discussed the pitfalls that you could face if you don't wait and of course, proper protection.

Have we had this discussion before? Yes. What was different about this time? We shared our experiences as parents with our kids. We let them know that if we could get a "do over" we would gladly accept it. We told them there is nothing glamorous about having sex too soon. We told them we wished we'd have waited longer before having sex. However, the most important difference was that they actually LISTENED this time.

This week's Meditate on this goes out to all the young adults and teens of the world and is actually the finally line in Janet's song: "I promise, I'll be worth the wait". Be worth the wait people.

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense

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