The Meaning Behind My II Sense

I've had several people ask me about how I came up with the blog name My II Sense. Here's the answer:

It's probably obvious but My II Sense is a play on the phrase "my 2 cents".

I chose to use the Roman numeral II instead of "2" or "two" because it reminds me of two people connected; it's almost like they are hugging. Since the blog deals primarily with relationships I thought this to be a fitting analogy and use of the symbol.

The SENSE part of My II Sense is a reference to our desire to make sense of our daily lives. My purpose is to make that search easier and enjoyable.

The tagline "It's ALL Relative" was selected because regardless of whether I discuss personal relationships, business relationships or financial relationships it's all the same, all connected and therefore all related.

While I do my best to post the best advice, information and resources possible, at the end of the day it's still only my opinion of what's discussed. YOU must take what's given and draw your own conclusions.

And there you have it! I hope this little description helps everyone understand the meaning behind the blog just a tad bit better. If not, comment or send an email to with your question and I'll be happy to reply.

Have a PERFECT day!


My II Sense


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