Greetings Readers!
Have you ever been at your desk and began feeling tired or sluggish even if you've had a decent night's sleep? Have you ever felt stiff, especially in the neck and shoulders? Here are a few techniques I use to boost my energy level and shrug off that stiff Tin Man feeling!
- Bellows Breathing – This is an excellent technique for fighting off fatigue and it's so simple! Sit comfortably with spine erect but relaxed. Begin taking deep breaths in through your nostrils expanding your lower abdomen completely. Exhale fully, again, through your nostrils rapidly as if using a bellows to fuel a fire. Bellows Breathing should be done no more than 15 seconds at a time when first beginning and gradually increase the duration of the exercise by five seconds with a maximum practice time of one minute. NOTE: There is a risk of hyperventilation leading to unconsciousness if practiced too much when first beginning! Listen to your body and practice this technique responsibly.
- Neck Rotations – This little technique always works for me when my neck begins to feel like steel cable. All you do is slowly rotate your head in a clockwise motion about 3-5 times and repeat the same motion in counterclockwise fashion to roll that rigidness right on out!
- Shoulder Shrugs – An oldie but goodie, shoulder shrugs are an excellent way to remove tension in the shoulders, upper and middle back. Similar to the neck rotations you roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion for several repetitions then switch and do the same thing in the opposite direction. Your arms, neck and back will thank for the attention!
Other Things You Can Do
Here's a list of other things you can try that will increase your energy and limit fatigue:
- Limit Your Caffeine Intake – While coffee and sodas do provide a brief pick me eventually, the crash you feel far outweighs the benefit of these beverages. Additionally, caffeine has been attributed to depression, insomnia and fatigue, the very thing most people use caffeine to combat!
- Eat Nuts to Boost Your Energy – I frequently carry peanuts and cashews with me to nibble on throughout the day because of their high protein and vitamin content. This keeps cravings for junk food at bay and gives my body the fuel it needs to keep going until my next meal.
- Get as Much Rest as You Can – In today's society it's hard to get five hours of quality sleep at night let alone eight! That's why it's even more important to find ways to rest your body and mind. My two personal favorites are minute mediations and power naps. Both provide a quick way to "unplug" from the world, even if only for a minute, to allow me body and mind to regroup and relax.
- Drink Plenty of Water – OK, I know EVERYONE preaches this but it's true! Water assists in the digestion and absorption of food, lubricates joints and prevents low energy levels. Increasing my daily water intake alone has helped reduce my fatigue!
Increasing your level of energy will help you deal with customers and coworkers better and, more importantly, it will help you feel better about YOU!
I hope these little tips help get you through the day and allow you to tolerate your customers and coworkers more. If you have a great technique for getting energized at work feel free to share!
My II Sense
Blog Sources
Effects of Caffeine - http://www.faqs.org/nutrition/Ca-De/Caffeine.html
Some Info on Various Nuts - http://www.naturalhub.com/natural_food_guide_nuts_common.htm
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