What Happened to Our Rhythm Nation?

"...Things are getting worse. We have to make them better. It's time to give a damn. Let's work together..." Lyrics from Janet Jackson's song Rhythm Nation

Link to Video on YouTube.com

In 1989 Janet Jackson released a critically acclaimed follow up to her Control album called Rhythm Nation. It was R&B's version of a protest album so prevalent in rap music of the day. The album addressed such political and social ills as racism, poverty illiteracy and homelessness and, to me, was her best album.

I was listening to Pandora radio the other day and this song played and it got me to thinking about society then and now and how things are getting so out of hand nowadays. What happened to rising up against social ills? has mass media done so great a job that we are too numb (or worse, too EXCITED by) to the mayhem and violence that plague our communities?

What happened to our rhythm nation? Are we so cold now that wed rush to download a video of a child being beaten to death but we can't lend a hand to help him? Is it more important to send pic messages and texts to our friends instead of calling the police?

Where is our rhythm nation people? Where are people that once upon a time would not stand for such foolishness? What happened to the time we wouldn't hesitate to stand up to inequality, racism and hate crimes? What happened to a time when our kids fought but not kill one another over the color clothes they wore, the brand of shoes they had on or which way their hat was turned? Where is OUR rhythm nation people! WHERE?!

I'll bet no one knows and fewer care. We're too busy worrying about our iPhones and BlackBerries. We only care about getting our hair and nails done so we can hit the clubs for some dance floor sex-with-clothes-on action. We're too busy chasing our next high or full pitcher of beer. We NO LONGER CARE!

We no longer care what happens to our kids. As long as they don't bother us while we're watching Family Guy or True Blood or some other nonsense on TV it doesn't matter. In fact, we no longer raise our kids anyway - the TV is their mother, their father is the Internet and their brothers and sisters are all hardwired into a system that preaches have sex, make babies, kill one another senselessly, it's all OK. The worst part of it is we buy right into it with them.

Well I can't take it any more. I WON'T take it anymore and I'm looking for others that won't take it anymore either...Hit me up and let's rebuild our rhythm nation!

Meditate on this: I will no longer stand idly buy and watch our society tear itself apart. I vow to make it better one day at a time beginning with me.


  1. You have it right, Mike, very few people care. Even when things happen to and around them, action is usually the last thing to be thought of.

  2. There's so much stuff going on in the world today. I guest this post was a "vent" for me. It's a shame that the priorities of so many are on material things and life takes a back seat. I don't know what yet but I'm going to organize SOMETHING that reaches these kids before it gets worse.


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