"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe." - Gail Devers
I was doing some research on athletes to use in a future Wellness Wednesday post when I was re-familiarized with the story of Gail Devers. What a phenomenal woman! Despite the odds, regardless of what family and friends undoubtedly saw as the end of her blossoming career, Gail flat out refused to succumb to her diagnosis of Grave's Disease. Instead she held firmly to her faith and in just 17 months, despite doctors' saying her feet should be amputated, Gail attended the Olympics in Athens AND won her first gold medal!
The faith that Gail speaks of is not something that can easily shaken. It's as strong as steel yet as flexible as a reed in the wind. It's more powerful than any comic book super hero and as soothing as a mother's touch. With faith we can weather any storm because we know that beyond the thunder claps, lightning and torrential rain we will, eventually, come through the storm. If you find yourself being swept away by the challenges of daily life remember that you possess the Divine spark of creation within you and know that "this too shall pass".
Meditate on This:
I hold fast to my faithfulness and know I can weather ANY storm life sends my way!
Have a PERFECT day!
Image: Sporting Heroes.net
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