Blogathon is in Full Effect!

Greetings Readers!

We're a little over 4 hours deep into the 24 hour Blogathon – Woo Hoo! Despite the fact that I'm chugging along on only 2 hours sleep my blog buddy Sandria and I are here at Bronzeville Coffee & Tea enjoying our lattes and blogging the day away for literacy.

Why are we depriving ourselves of much need sleep to blog? We are supporting Open's efforts to raise $2,500 for its Open Books Buddies program. That's enough money to fund one underserved school with the Open Books Buddies program for an entire YEAR!

So what are you waiting for?! Head over to the Open and DONATE! Now…where's my coffee? =)

Have a PERFECT day!

Michael Stagg

My II Sense


  1. Hi,
    I noticed you've only made one post today. Have you dropped out?

  2. Actually, I've been posting all day at the Read All About It site.

  3. So you all just blog blog blog all day?

    On what topics/issues.

    You need to give us details.

  4. @JenellyBean:

    I'm working on a post with the details now. It will be up shortly.


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