Greetings Readers!
So I'm watching the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (having to watch the show for a whole semester of English 102 has me hooked again. Anyway…) and there's this episode called "The Beauty and the Beasts" which, for all intents and purposes deals with abusive relationships.
This got me thinking about the warning signs of these types of relationships (physical/mental/emotional abuse, Isolations from friends/family, double standards and substance abuse to name a few) and why we choose to ignore them.
I think we sometimes cling to toxic people because of the initial attention we receive. This is especially so when a first love is involved. From that point something in our minds formulates the equation that somebody is better than nobody. Regardless of how much pain this person puts you through you STILL go back to them.
How do you break free of this person? How can you let go of someone you love so much that, whether you know it or not, is feeding off of your torment? Here are a few suggestions:
- First, embrace a victor's attitude by admitting you're in an unhealthy relationship and will no longer intentionally be a victim.
- Get a support team together of your closest friends, counselors, ANYONE that can help you stay devoted to letting go of the toxic person.
- Accept that you deserve to be happy. It's a right all beings have and no one should hinder yours.
No one has the right to hold your love/friendship hostage. You deserve to be with someone that will cherish and respect. Be patient…that Love WILL find you if you feel you deserve it.
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