Wellness Wednesday with Life and Weight-loss Coach Flossie Alexander of
You Can NOW! Coaching.
Three years ago I decided to KICK the New Year's “Resolution” concept to the curb! ! What does that mean
anyway?! It has developed a bad rep over the years! Why? Because nobody
really keeps them!! I decided then to call
any New Year Resolutions my "New Year's
Promises to Myself" if it meant anything to me.
As you all know, my life has gone through many changes over the last three years. The biggest is in November 2006 when I celebrated my second anniversary of "finding myself" and getting healthy losing 165 pounds.
When I decided to give my so called New Year's Resolution an overhaul, that was a very significant accomplishment in my life. I made that “Promise” and I stuck to it! I thought
long and hard before that facelift came about. As I went through the rolodex in my mind I went through the many years of resolutions: lose weight, eat better & exercise were always repeated.
Why hadn't I keep those resolutions? Perhaps it was the word resolution itself that hindered me, I thought. We have used that word so many times, it really has lost it's meaning! It has simply what we use at year's end because ... well, because everyone just does it! The day I couldn’t fasten my seat belt, when I maxed out at
325 pounds, was the day I PROMISED to treat myself better!! So I would like to encourage each of you to search for something with similar meaning in yourself when it comes to achieving your weight-loss goals ... then give your own resolutions a much needed overhaul!
My 2006 New Year's Promises (which I have accomplished every day since)
1. I PROMISE to love me NO MATTER WHAT (which is the key to getting healthy).
2. I PROMISE to put myself first and do what is right for me (which is the key to getting healthy).
3. I PROMISE to put a smile on my face EVERY day because there is always something to smile about (which is the key to getting healthy).
4. I PROMISE to be there for those that need lifting up when they are down (which is the key to getting healthy).
5. I PROMISE never to let anyone or anything make me feel insignificant ever again (which is the key to getting healthy).
I do believe
those are all promises I can keep for the rest of my life!! As I did In 2006, I am ushering in 2010 with a
smile on my face and a
skip in my walk!
Yours in Health
Flossie Alexander
Life/Weight Loss Coach
You Can NOW! Coaching
Where Results
ARE Typical!
About Flossie: Flossie is currently a member of the National Association of Professional Women and Toastmaster’s International. She is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach and a Certified Wellness Coach with a successful track record in leading organizations and individuals into achieving healthy lifestyle goals. After overcoming obesity, losing 165 pounds in 18 months, she has developed a passion to help others through public speaking and one-on-one weight loss coaching. Visit Flossie at
http://www.youcannowcoaching.com to start creating your new healthy lifestyle and lose unhealthy weight permanently.